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Example of what your CV/Covering letter should look like


Besides the numerous requests for me to help with the compiling of CV’s, I decided not to follow that side of the business. It will basically make me another “agent” – the very same people I advise you to avoid. Yes, I have been offered good remuneration to set up CV's (and I might add it was very tempting), but I am not in this business to make money. The website and optional address list was intended for you to bypass the "agents" and make the whole effort a "Do-it-yourself" project.


As an alternative, I am going to give you guidelines (a pro-forma) as to how to complete your CV and covering letter. (Keep in mind that it's only examples. You can alter it accordingly)


Get your details to as many companies as you can afford to. Agencies will swap your details with other agencies, if they cannot help you. Drilling companies and others in the industry will keep your details on file for the future or transfer it to their head office for distribution worldwide. It is a massive international industry run by lots of large companies employing many thousands of people each and in many locations worldwide. Get the ball rolling by putting your CV together and sending it out to as many companies as you can. You will be amazed at the response you get.

Offshore employers do not have the time to wade through long-winded applications so you should keep it condensed and get your main points across.

Your CV should contain personal, educational, employment history, references and  interests/hobbies. Your leisure time activities are of great interest to employers as it tells them if you are a loner or team worker. If your main past times are, for example, reading, playing computer games and painting water colours, throw in a team sport. So say you like soccer, but haven't played in a while.

Covering Letter:

This is vitally important, as it catches the readers' attention and helps them to decide whether to read your CV. As with the CV, the covering letter should be precise and to the point. It should guide the potential employer to your particular employment wishes.

If applicable, emphasize your trade and qualifications that will be of interest to an offshore company.


If you do not get a start straight away, keep in touch with all that give you feedback, by sending them a reminder about yourself about every six weeks. This will keep you in mind and show you are keen. You have to get yourself in the right place at the right time. Try to eliminate those companies that are a waste of time for you, so you can concentrate on approximately 5-10 that seem your best bet. Keep a file detailing when you contacted each company and what was discussed etc.

You will not always be able to get past the reception desk by phone. It is easier if you can confidently ask for a person by name. You may be able to get the name by asking the receptionist for the name of the person to whom you should post your CV. The next time you phone up try using that name.

 If in any way possible, handing over your CV in person can often be to your benefit, especially if you give a good impression of yourself. If you live far away from their office it may be worth while introducing yourself after you have been regularly sending your CV and phoning them. If the industry in general is busy and you just don't seem to be getting anywhere by post and phone, it may be worth the trip.

The lettering in red (below) needs to be removed or replaced with your own information. There are no hard and fast rules (or “magic recipe”) regarding the compiling of your CV/Resumé.


The following is a basic example only.




(State the fact that you are prepared to start at the bottom, as a ROUSTABOUT and/or another entry-level post of your choice, for example PLUS the post you are qualified for)


Title: Mr/Mrs/Ms

Surname: (Your surname as per ID document/Passport)

Full names: (All your names - as per your birth certificate)

Date of birth: (Write out the month)            Age: 00 years

Residential address: (Include the suburb, town/city, postal code, province/state, country)

Postal address: (Include town/city, postal code, province/state, country)

Telephone number: (Use the international code - eg. for United Kingdom, drop the first 0 and put +44 in it's place. Example: 20-999 9999 will become +44 20 999 9999)

Cellphone/Mobile number: (Use the international code - eg. for United Kingdom, drop the first 0 and put +44 in it's place. Example: 20-999 9999 will become +44 20 999 9999)

Fax number: (If you have one - same international code rule as above)

Home Language: English (Converse: Excellent, Read: Excellent, Write:Excellent)

Other languages: eg. Spanish (Converse: Good, Read: Fair, Write: Fair)

Nationality: British               Passport: United Kingdom (include expiry date and visa's - if applicable)

Drivers licence: Yes/No                                 Endorsed: Yes(details)/No

Marital Status: Married/single/divorced         Children: Number of children, gender and ages

Health: Excellent                                             Smoker: Yes/No (Oddly, this is important to some companies)

Hobbies/Sport: Include all – (if you do not actively play sport at present, mention a sport and state you are not playing at present)

Security clearance: (Leave this out if you do not have a security clearance)


EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: (NB: Dates are very important to these companies!)

School: (Highest standard passed plus the year obtained. Indicate any special fields of study. Mention your subjects).

College/Technikon/University: (Highest qualification achieved PLUS the year obtained. Mention your subjects).

Dates of all courses/ Courses followed - plus results

Licensures: (Any current work related licences you hold PLUS dates achieved)

Certifications held: (Any special certificates you hold PLUS dates achieved)

Military experience: (If you had any military training (especially Navy), give a brief description including: Rank held, post title and short post description)

Employment history: (State present employment FIRST, then previous jobs below that, PLUS dates in each post, post titles and short post description). It should read as follows:

- Dates (from when to when),whatever the post is in which you are presently employed

Duties and responsibilities:  (What were you responsible for at your present and previous jobs).

Achievements: (Quantify them by stating something like, ”I devised a system that saved my last employer £/$/ZAR 10,000, last year”).

Membership of associations/societies/clubs: (Name of organization, position held, dates involved. This will indicate you are a "team player" and active in extramural activities )

References: (These aren't crucial, but it would not harm to include about three CONTACTABLE references).


(NB: The CV should not extend beyond 2 pages - 3 pages at the utmost).



Basic example of the Covering letter following: (This letter is placed on top of your CV)


Telephone: +44 20 999 999 (home)                                                                                                    John Smith

Telephone: +44 20 999 996 (work)                                                                                        1234 Victoria Street

Cellular phone: +44 87 999 9998                                                                                                             Lambeth

Fax number: +44 20 999 9997                                                                                                          London SW1

E-mail address:                                                                                  United  Kingdom



The Human Resources Manager/Personnel Manager

XXX Oil Company

PO Box 0000



Dear Sir/Madam (or the person's name, if you know it)




I am very keen to work in the offshore oil industry. Although I am a qualified Electrician, I am prepared to start at the bottom and work my way up within your organization. I am therefore enquiring as to the possibility for employment as a Roustabout or Driller's Assistant, on one of your offshore installations.


At present, I have no offshore experience. I am thus eager to actively participate in any training course(s) your company expects me to attend and complete successfully.

(Pick one or more of the below that best suits you)

In short:

* I work well as part of a team.

* I like to fit in and get on well with people from all walks of life.

* I find it easy to get on/converse with people.

* I do not mind being away from home for long periods at a time.

* I work well under pressure.

* I can be left un-supervised to get on with my work.

* I am safety conscious about myself and my fellow workers.

* I can take and effectively carry out orders.

* I am hardworking, honest and reliable.

* I am prepared to undergo any drug test and medical examination.

* My past work record indicates that I could be an asset to your esteemed company.



My Curriculum Vitae is attached hereto for your perusal, trusting that my qualifications equates to your high standards of employment. Certified true copies of my certifications are available at your request.


(Add other important info if need be - but don't make this covering letter too long, though)


Yours faithfully





(Sign with a black pen)


John Smith



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